Silly Link; you could've wished to make her busty all in one wish!
Silly Link; you could've wished to make her busty all in one wish!
That was a fun watch; better than most shows I see on TV. This had an awesome beginning, great set up and explaining the world with it's setting with very little exposition. The background art was great.
Knowing you and the fact this is rated M; there was no way in hell this was going to end in them covered in cum. Especially the way they were pulling. This was funny though, albeit got a bit too long to get to the pay off.
Have the pacing be a bit tighter and the joke would've been a bit better. Keep in mind I have a bias for this kind of slapstick comedy.
WTF is this; I've seen lazy but man.
Gmod animations are not for everyone I can see why you think its lazy.
I like the music; that's about it, everything else from the animation to the art style is just nostalgic of a young kid drawing art. The way it's animated I don't really care for, feels more like an after thought with no framing on the actions.
However, you were smart enough to keep the focus center frame so the composition of the shots are nice at least.
However then again the visuals don't line up with the music video. The actions don't line up. Again not bad ideas just could've been put to something else for the music.
Idk maybe I'm just not the intended audience.
Absurdist visuals with this style of music just doesn't match.
I mostly just like it for it's style and nothing else; I like the colors you chose, the backgrounds and how the spells interact with objects in the animation.
Thx dude
Very Awesome Sauce.
Yeah it'll take Frieren 50 years to realize this; considering how long it took her to figure out Himmel knew what the lotus ring meant... I don't want to spoil anything but if you know, you know.
I grew up with Salad Fingers and I just don't feel the same way as I did when I was younger. Maybe consuming too much media ruined stuff like this for me but this is just, mild in terms of weirdness.
Idk; maybe I grew out of watching this, that's not to say it's bad, just that I'm not likely the correct person to judge this.
I will say this at least; as tame for it's weirdness it is an actual arc unlike other weird stories. It follows a set of logic already established in the show for Salad Fingers but at the same time that's kind of what hurts it, weird horror having consistent rules/ logic makes it feel// seem less weird.
It becomes less weird/ horror the more you do the same thing again and again. Like how Horror films of bringing the same horror character like Jason back over and over just kills the horror of Jason.
Using Salad fingers and the tropes of Salad fingers over and over again kind of kills the weirdness when all you can do is try to up the ante for how weird it is instead of seeing how you can use the weirdness in a new/ different way.
I rate this a 3 out of 5 because it's not bad, I don't consider it better than your older works and consider this decent. It's like potato chips, having it here and there isn't harmful.
The other thing is; there being no straight man against the weird; it's just weirdness leaning up against weirdness, when everything is weird then nothing is weird. When everything is horror and creepy; nothing is, nothing stands out because of it.
Every character written so far is weird and "out of place" but nothing conflicts, just matches in the environment. It's not jarring and look; people who already like Salad Fingers will like this and people who already like your work will like this but if someone else did something similar with a similar idea and set up then sure as hell, it wouldn't work.
It feels like it's trying to expand the lore/ branch out for it's setting which is good; you're bringing in more questions because you brought in answers, the more you answer, the less weird it is, the more questions you bring in, the weirder it gets.
In my opinion, you answered too much versus the amount of weirdness you've used. For a normal show; I would rate this differently in this regard but for weird horror/ creepy horror I have a different set of standards and the same goes for fantasy.
I don't remember where you stole this music from.
Age 26, Male
Joined on 2/9/15