Oof; why the bloody heck is this rated a 1? I mean a 2.5 to 3 star sure but a 1? Eh...
Probably should explain my reasoning, middle part design looks entirely smooth, and round while the two side parts don't match pixel to resolution size wise with the fact of flat parts making it not look as good.
That and no real depth to the image, where does it extend out, meaning the point on the image where it's the smallest, and then the larger points to really tell/ show where the perspective of the image is. You know like how in art class you draw the road, and the further back part you draw smaller, same rule still applies to pixel art.
The middle design looks fine, it's usage of a lot of negative space expect for the middle, and all it's colors are mute with no real color theory usage.
I'll probably try my hand at a redesign of this myself if I'm honest, and I'll tag you to see your reaction for the given results if I get around to it.